Author: phoebusapollo

Exercise Log 1.6.15 (Training Run, Cardio Only)

By phoebusapollo on Tue Jan 06 2015

4 mile treadmill run, found this especially hard, but felt great about it. A lot slower lately but doing these runs a little more frequently so just feeling good about doing it.

Exercise Log 1.4.15 (Bench Press & Deadlift Day)

By phoebusapollo on Sun Jan 04 2015

Bench Press & Deadlift Day, cycle 1. Bench Press: 1) 10 @ 125lbs. 2) 10 @ 130lbs. 3) 10 @ 150lbs. This was very hard, but made it. Forgot a drop set which was intended, after my secondary lift I came back and did a drop set of 8 reps @ 135lbs. Deadlift: 3 sets […]

Exercise Log 1.2.15 (Deadlift & Squat Day)

By phoebusapollo on Fri Jan 02 2015

Deadlift & Squat day, cycle 1 of mesocycle 6. New Year, new plan! Made some real big program changes so we’ll see how it works out. This workout was particularly good, felt a little more intense than normal. Deadlift: 1) Miscalculated my first set (was supposed to be 3 @ 270 but plated 260) so […]

Exercise Log 12.31.14 (Dev Day)

By phoebusapollo on Wed Dec 31 2014

Had some plans this evening since it was New Year’s eve, but made sure to hit the gym first. Dev Day, cycle 6. Last day of Mesocycle 5… lots of planning ahead to prepare for the next mesocycle. Focus was rear delts, traps and the tri’s and bi’s. Face Pulls: 5 sets of 8 @ […]

Exercise Log 12.30.14 (Squat & Bench Press Day)

By phoebusapollo on Tue Dec 30 2014

Squat & Bench Press Day, cycle 6. Squat: 1) 5 @ 175lbs. 2) 3 @ 190lbs. 3) 2 @ 200lbs. Strength test of singles, wound up being reps because I believe my training projections are still low. So 3 reps and a second set of 2 reps means 5 reps means the training projections are […]

Exercise Log 12.28.14 (Bench Press & Deadlift Day)

By phoebusapollo on Sun Dec 28 2014

Bench Press & Deadlift Day, cycle 6. I felt like i had low energy going into this workout which sucks. Bench Press: 1) 5 @ 155lbs. 2) 3 @ 165lbs. 3) 2 @ 170lbs. Strength of singles to total failure, this was rough. First rep was good, second rep was a fail but felt it […]

Exercise Log 12.27.14 (Deadlift & Squat Day)

By phoebusapollo on Sat Dec 27 2014

Deadlift & Squat Day, cycle 6. Deadlift: 1) 5 @ 280lbs. 2) 5 @ 300lbs. 3) 2 @ 315lbs. Then heavy singles above 90% to failure. Hit this fairly soon, attribute this in part to hitting the PR the day prior. 2 singles @ 325lbs. Squat: 1) 3 @ 190lbs. 2) 3 @ 195lbs. 3) […]

Exercise Log 12.26.14 (Inbetween Workout 2)

By phoebusapollo on Fri Dec 26 2014

I felt off on the 23rd and woke up on the 24th (Christmas Eve) feeling awfully sick and that lasted over Christmas. So I did my best to rest up as best I could and fight off whatever was making me ill. So this workout was my comeback workout to get back into things and […]

Exercise Log 12.22.14 (Inbetween Workout)

By phoebusapollo on Mon Dec 22 2014

Okay, cycle 5 ended on the week of Christmas. While I have more time, I know in this week that coming up there will be a big gap where the gyms will be closed and I’ll have plans. So I decided rather than jump into cycle 6, I’m going to do a few inbetween workouts […]

We are definied by our Muses...

Projects & Links

The Thomas Jefferson Blog

My book that I wrote about a founding father who finds himself lost in time, set in the 2003-2006 post 9/11 Bush era of politics. Free for reading online, although I’ve abandoned efforts to get it published.
Read the Thomas Jefferson Blog ≫

Know True Evil

A small wallpaper page dedicated to those who lost their lives to the carelessness of government gone wrong.
Know True Evil ≫

Socialism WORKS!

Socialism WORKS! is a short website presentation I put together years ago with help from a friend. It is something of a snarky take on Socialism, critical of the advantages of Socialism from various origins of the idea.
Read Socialism WORKS!

Xavier’s Blog

My good friend Xavier Von Erck’s personal blog, he’s also the director of all the websites incidentally. ≫

The Perverted Justice Foundation

Perverted Justice Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization which works with law enforcement to help track and prosecute online predators. I help administrate all the sites on this network, in fact many of you may know me from my work there. If you don’t though, check it out. ≫