Author: phoebusapollo

Exercise Log 1.31.15 (Dev Day)

By phoebusapollo on Sat Jan 31 2015

Dev Day, cycle 4. Bench Press: 1) 5 @ 155lbs. 2) 5 @ 155lbs. 3) 5 @ 155lbs. 4) 3 @ 165lbs. 5) 2 @ 170lbs. 6) 4 @ 145lbs. 7) 4 @ 145lbs. Decline Bench Press: 3 sets of 6 @ 155lbs. Overhead Press: 3 sets of 5 reps @ 85lbs. Arnold Press: 4 […]

Exercise Log 1.29.15 (Squat & Bench Press Day)

By phoebusapollo on Thu Jan 29 2015

Squat & Bench Press Day, cycle 4. Squat: 1) 3 @ 195lbs. 2) 3 @ 195lbs. 3) 2 @ 205lbs. 4) 2 @ 205lbs. 5) 1 @ 210lbs. 6 sets of speed doubles 2 @ 160lbs. Bench Press: 1) 6 @ 150lbs. 2) 6 @ 150lbs. 3) AMRAP set of 8 reps @ 150lbs. Added […]

Exercise Log 1.26.15 (Bench Press & Deadlift Day)

By phoebusapollo on Mon Jan 26 2015

Bench Press & Deadlift Day, cycle 4. Pause Bench Press: 1) 9 @ 110lbs. 2) 9 @ 130lbs. 3) 9 @ 110lbs. 4) 2 @ 135lbs (extra set). Climbing doubles to failure: 2 @ 150lbs, 2 @ 160lbs, 2 @ 165lbs. Tried and failed to press 175lbs. Deadlift: 1) 6 @ 270lbs 2) 6 @ […]

Exercise Log 1.24.15 (Deadlift & Squat Day)

By phoebusapollo on Sat Jan 24 2015

Deadlift & Squat Day, cycle 4. Deadlift: 1) 3 @ 285lbs. 2) 3 @ 285lbs. 3) 2 @ 305lbs. Used a mat because I was at the big ol’ commercial gym, but stopped after this point since I was getting into the fewer rep ranges for the rest of it. 4) 2 @ 305lbs. 5) […]

Exercise Log 1.23.15 (Dev Day)

By phoebusapollo on Fri Jan 23 2015

Dev Day, cycle 3. Pause Bench Press: 1) 5 @ 150lbs. 2) 5 @ 150lbs. 3) 5 @ 155lbs. 4) 4 @ 160lbs. 5) 2 @ 165lbs. 6) 1 @ 170lbs. 7) 7 @ 145lbs, one rep in this set was touch and go so feel like I chose the right intensity for this exercise. […]

Exercise Log 1.21.15 (Squat & Bench Press Day)

By phoebusapollo on Wed Jan 21 2015

Squat & Bench Press Day, cycle 3. Pause Squats: 1) 9 @ 135lbs. 2) 9 @ 155lbs. 3) 9 @ 135lbs. Climbing 2’s to failure: 2 @ 180lbs. 2 @ 195lbs. 2 @ 205lbs. Plus extra sets of 1 @ 215lbs & 1 @ 220lbs. Bench Press: 1) 6 @ 145lbs. 2) 6 @ 145lbs. […]

Exercise Log 1.20.15 (Bench Press & Deadlift Day)

By phoebusapollo on Tue Jan 20 2015

Bench Press & Deadlift Day, cycle 3. Bench Press: 1) 3 @ 160lbs. 2) 3 @ 160lbs. 3) 2 @ 165lbs. 4) 2 @ 165lbs. 5) 1 @ 170lbs. 6 sets of speed doubles 2 @ 130lbs. Deadlift: 1) 6 @ 270lbs. 2) 6 @ 270lbs. AMRAP set of 8 reps @ 270lbs. Incline Dumbbell […]

Exercise Log 1.18.15 (Home Workout)

By phoebusapollo on Sun Jan 18 2015

At home workout, didn’t feel like going to the gym today just a lot on my mind, so did this workout to keep my body fresh for the gym. Tomorrow is a rest day for house-hunting errands so will pick up where I left off on Tuesday. Chin-ups: 6 sets of 5 reps, 7th set […]

We are definied by our Muses...

Projects & Links

The Thomas Jefferson Blog

My book that I wrote about a founding father who finds himself lost in time, set in the 2003-2006 post 9/11 Bush era of politics. Free for reading online, although I’ve abandoned efforts to get it published.
Read the Thomas Jefferson Blog ≫

Know True Evil

A small wallpaper page dedicated to those who lost their lives to the carelessness of government gone wrong.
Know True Evil ≫

Socialism WORKS!

Socialism WORKS! is a short website presentation I put together years ago with help from a friend. It is something of a snarky take on Socialism, critical of the advantages of Socialism from various origins of the idea.
Read Socialism WORKS!

Xavier’s Blog

My good friend Xavier Von Erck’s personal blog, he’s also the director of all the websites incidentally. ≫

The Perverted Justice Foundation

Perverted Justice Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization which works with law enforcement to help track and prosecute online predators. I help administrate all the sites on this network, in fact many of you may know me from my work there. If you don’t though, check it out. ≫