category: * Front Page Updates

PA’s Tableside Chats Ep. 6 “Thoughts on Fitness Programming”

By phoebusapollo on Sun May 11 2014

Designing a personal fitness program is something nobody really has to do, there are a lot of well thought out plans available for anyone to learn about and try. However I find that part of fitness really fun and motivating, so I thought I’d share my ideas as I transition from my first year program […]

Car Door Fixin’

By phoebusapollo on Tue May 06 2014

Just a quick blog I thought I’d share, so I busted my car door off in the cold part of winter when the plastic of the door handle was especially brittle. Really sucked and it broke further making it almost completely unusable. Which is really bad given that the passenger door doesn’t unlock easily. I […]

Bodybuilding diet: Steak & Egg Bagel!

By phoebusapollo on Sat May 03 2014

My mornings are never productive enough to properly make breakfast every morning, I’m always running late and sometimes even the prepared staple frozen diet of eggs/broccoli/chicken nuked in the microwave is still too much of a hassle. How, I can’t imagine. There is a huge temptation each day to pick up food on the way […]

Holi Festival of Colors!

By phoebusapollo on Sat Apr 19 2014

Just thought I’d post something fun besides fitness, went to the Festival of Colors today and had a great time. Have a little photo gallery here. My thoughts are: it’s surprisingly fun to just pamper people with color packets and have that be a “cool” thing. Plus I could use more hugs from strangers. On […]

Bodybuilding diet: Oatmeal Raisin Protein Cookies!

By phoebusapollo on Fri Apr 18 2014

Okay so I decided to take a rest day today and catch up on some stuff I’ve been neglecting, and one of those things is a new healthy cooking project I have for some real proper protein-heavy Oatmeal Raisin cookies. They are admittedly my first baking project and not all that tasty, but I was […]

PA’s Tableside Chats Ep. 4 “Deload Cycle”

By phoebusapollo on Sat Apr 05 2014

Went ahead and uploaded a little video with thoughts on my first deload cycle, hopefully to give anyone probing the internet for information about the benefits of taking time out of a workout plan to try one. A short perspective from someone still new to the game.

Bodybuilding diet: Oatmeal Protein Pancakes!

By phoebusapollo on Sun Mar 09 2014

Okay in an attempt to be more proactive in the kitchen with bodybuilding meals, I’ve been scoping out various kinds of recipes. I’m a slow mover on these things because I like to plan, but I put this plan into action and snapped on it and learned a lot. So today for the first time […]

Trying out mass cooking bodybuilder-style for the first time!

By phoebusapollo on Wed Feb 19 2014

Okay, for something a bit different now. Since starting my personal fitness program I’ve had a dodgy system for eating. As time passes it becomes obvious that diet can be the difference between big gains in the weight room, no gains or just getting fat again. A top recommendation by body builders is to cook […]

Catching Up: Random Thoughts

By phoebusapollo on Thu Dec 19 2013

Alright well I don’t actually blog about random things as much anymore, partly because I’m CONSTANTLY typing up and posting exercise logs and trying to stay active enough in real life to NOT have the time. Today is a day off though and despite a lazy morning I got shopping and working out in and […]

A Critical Examination of the Modern Toy Market

By phoebusapollo on Mon Dec 02 2013

Show and tell time! Ok so I desperately need to post something on my homepage about something besides the usual exercise log, so tonight I’m going to recap a fun time I had toy shopping. The object of my shopping today was to get toys for a Toys for Tots charity thingy, which in and […]

We are definied by our Muses...

Projects & Links

The Thomas Jefferson Blog

My book that I wrote about a founding father who finds himself lost in time, set in the 2003-2006 post 9/11 Bush era of politics. Free for reading online, although I’ve abandoned efforts to get it published.
Read the Thomas Jefferson Blog ≫

Know True Evil

A small wallpaper page dedicated to those who lost their lives to the carelessness of government gone wrong.
Know True Evil ≫

Socialism WORKS!

Socialism WORKS! is a short website presentation I put together years ago with help from a friend. It is something of a snarky take on Socialism, critical of the advantages of Socialism from various origins of the idea.
Read Socialism WORKS!

Xavier’s Blog

My good friend Xavier Von Erck’s personal blog, he’s also the director of all the websites incidentally. ≫

The Perverted Justice Foundation

Perverted Justice Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization which works with law enforcement to help track and prosecute online predators. I help administrate all the sites on this network, in fact many of you may know me from my work there. If you don’t though, check it out. ≫